EN130 Online Exam 1_02 SCORE 100 PERCENT
Question 1
With respect to dealing with abstract concepts, which statement is most accurate?
A. Emotions have no place in any kind of academic essay.
B. An essay dealing with abstract concepts can appeal to intellectual curiosity.
C. An essay dealing with abstract concepts should reveal the author’s bias.
D. Abstract concepts cannot be shown to have any actual meaning.
Question 2
In our text discussion, we compared a two-way conversation with a top-down situation, such as that which students encounter when listening to a lecture. What was this comparison intended to illustrate?
A. The need to pay attention to an instructor’s lecture
B. The value of active reading
C. The dehumanizing atmosphere of college classrooms
D. The importance of studying a class syllabus
Question 3
As you analyze an essay, you can use your own words to summarize the author’s key ideas and map out the organization of the essay’s key points. This is called
A. critiquing.
B. anchoring.
C. summation.
D. transcribing.
Question 4
Which statement is most clearly subjective?
A. In my view, the data support the professor’s assertions.
B. My common sense tells me that money is the root of all evil.
C. Wars are fought over ideas, land, and resources.
D. It has been suggested that Nero suffered from lead poisoning.
Question 5
Which statement is true?
A. An accepted fact must be true.
B. Opinions can be both true and false.
C. Facts are subjective opinions.
D. Opinions are neither true nor false.
Question 6
In your text, we cited the old saying, “Don’t shoot the messenger.” Which kind of logical fallacy were we referring to?
A. Tautology
B. Red herring
C. Overgeneralization
D. Ad hominem
Question 7
Which statement best defines the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy?
A. If events A and B happen simultaneously, they’re caused by event C.
B. If John breaks his leg after ignoring a stop sign, John must not have seen the stop sign.
C. If event B follows event A, B must have been caused by A.
D. If Jill fills a bucket with water while at the well, the well must contain water.
Question 8
A rhetorical tautology is most simply defined as
A. a false argument.
B. nonsensical prose.
C. a circular argument.
D. a slanted argument.
Question 9
According to Dunn, because copyright laws restrict the flow of information, they’re
A. illegal.
B. oppressive.
C. seldom enforced.
D. schizophrenic.
Question 10
Which sentence is most likely to be based on facts?
A. People who see the “man in the moon” are sensitive and creative.
B. According to Plato, virtue is its own reward.
C. Over 20 trials, 50 percent of the rats ran the maze in less than a minute.
D. Abstract nouns, such as “truth” and “justice,” can never be strictly defined.
Question 11
“Nature is bountiful, which is why logging should be strictly regulated.” Which logical fallacy is illustrated in this sentence?
A. Ad hominem
B. Non Sequitur
C. Post hoc ergo propter hoc
D. Red herring
Question 12
Which statement best illustrates an exception fallacy?
A. Lucy thinks all fish make her sick because she got sick after eating sushi.
B. Conrad assumes Dale is lying because Dale seldom tells the truth.
C. Brock assumes all vegetables are nutritious except for raw carrots.
D. Eloise enjoys detective novels except for those written by women.
Question 13
Many early humans were predators; therefore, all humans are predators. This statement illustrates the _______ fallacy.
A. red herring
B. slippery-slope
C. bandwagon
D. none of the above
Question 14
Which statement best illustrates an ad hominem argument?
A. If you ask me, Jolly Flakes is just another sugar cereal.
B. Based on letters, one can safely assume that Ben Franklin was a womanizer.
C. It seems to me that Caldwell may be comparing apples and oranges.
D. The author’s flimsy argument is what we would expect from an alcoholic.
Question 15
In his essay “Revolutions of Time,” Dunn would agree with all of the following statements except for which one?
A. Authors may or may not be served by copyrights on their work.
B. Intellectual properties, such as poems or novels, are intangible commodities.
C. Intellectual property is just like any other kind of tangible property.
D. During most of human history, creative works resided in the public domain.
Question 16
Which statement best illustrates a logical tautology?
A. You can observe a sunrise if you rise at dawn and look out a window.
B. Angels are either mortal or immortal.
C. There’s no success that isn’t preceded by failure.
D. To access correct information, consult a reliable source.
Question 17
A college student is generally expected to do all of the following except
A. emphasize the subjective over the objective.
B. conduct scholarly research.
C. master standard American English.
D. conduct online research.
Question 18
All of the following may be a source of evidence in an essay except for which one?
A. Personal observations
B. Analogies
C. Criteria
D. Research reports
Question 19
In general terms, logical fallacies originate from
A. unproven assumptions.
B. lies.
C. insufficient data.
D. false assumptions.
Question 20
According to Dunn, the notion of intellectual property rights resulted from the
A. digital revolution.
B. invention of printing.
C. demands of authors seeking fair compensation.
D. Industrial Revolution.
EN130 Online Exam 2_03 SCORE 100 PERCENT
Question 1
During research for an essay, when should you write down information about the source and its location?
A. As soon as you locate any source you may use in your essay
B. As soon as you’re sure you’ll use the source
C. After completing the first draft of your paper
D. After outlining your proposed essay
Question 2
According to Tardiff and Brizee, an essay that makes a claim supported by evidence is classified as an _______ essay.
A. expository
B. analytical
C. argumentative
D. explanatory
Question 3
The essence of _______ is to make sure you convey the meaning of an author’s words using your own words.
A. paraphrasing
B. citation
C. quotation
D. summarizing
Question 4
Amy and Carl are discussing the essay by Tardiff and Brizee. Amy argues that her essay on how the cocoa bean is processed into chocolate should be considered an explanatory essay. Carl remarks that her essay might be called an expository essay. Who is correct?
A. Amy is correct, and Carl is incorrect.
B. Both Amy and Carl are correct.
C. Carl is correct, and Amy is incorrect.
D. Neither Amy nor Carl is correct.
Question 5
With respect to transitional words or phrases in an essay, which transition is most likely to be used in showing consequences?
A. With few exceptions
B. In the meantime
C. For example
D. As a result
Question 6
In your online text, you’re told that your thesis statement shouldn’t include words or phrases such as “I think,” “I believe,” or “In my opinion.” Why should you avoid such words or phrases in your thesis statement?
A. If your thesis statement is written in this way, readers will assume you haven’t done research.
B. Typical readers don’t care what you think or believe, only what you can prove.
C. If your thesis statement is written properly, the reader will know that the ideas are yours.
D. A thesis statement should express facts, not opinions or beliefs.
Question 7
After you’ve completed an essay, what’s the first thing you should do to add finishing touches?
A. Read the essay from front to back as you would read someone else’s essay.
B. Read it out loud to a friend.
C. Set it aside for a time in order to come back to it with fresh eyes.
D. Make sure your sentences follow a logical sequence.
Question 8
Regarding prewriting options, which statement is true?
A. You must begin by preparing a topic outline.
B. A first draft must be the basis for a topic outline.
C. Most students choose to write a first draft instead of an outline.
D. Most students choose to begin with a topic outline instead of a first draft.
Question 9
A strong thesis statement features all of the following characteristics except for which one?
A. It’s specific to the topic.
B. It expresses no more than three main ideas.
C. It takes a stand supported by evidence.
D. It encourages and justifies debate and discussion.
Question 10
In a paragraph in an essay, I use these transitions: all in all, at last, on balance, by and large, in the long run, in any event, ultimately. What is the most likely purpose of this paragraph?
A. To show cause and effect
B. To present a comparison or contrast
C. To summarize
D. To generalize
Question 11
In harvesting sources, an excellent way both to narrow down a topic and discover a likely working thesis is to explore _______ the topic.
A. different attitudes about
B. radical ideas about
C. classic literature on
D. different perspectives on
Question 12
In general, what is the best time to proof an essay for grammar, spelling, and mechanics?
A. After completing your first draft
B. While completing your first draft
C. While you’re writing your final draft
D. After you complete, revise, and edit your final draft
Question 13
Which transition is most likely to be used in showing sequence?
A. Additionally
B. In other words
C. To begin with
D. Consequently
Question 14
Which of the following is not a good way to narrow down and choose a topic?
A. Choose a topic that interests you.
B. Choose topics that are not beyond your current knowledge.
C. Avoid topics that already get lots of attention, such as dieting.
D. Avoid topics derived from breaking news.
Question 15
Which thesis statement is the strongest?
A. The most effective way to create jobs, in my opinion, is through government-supported programs aimed at renewing the nation’s infrastructure.
B. I think the most effective way to create jobs is through government-supported programs aimed at renewing the nation’s infrastructure.
C. The most effective way to create jobs is through government-supported programs aimed at renewing the nation’s infrastructure.
D. I strongly believe that the most effective way to create jobs is through government-supported programs aimed at renewing the nation’s infrastructure.
Question 16
Henry and Lois are discussing ways to evaluate sources. Henry maintains that one should scan a source before skimming it. Lois argues that scanning is the best first step in evaluating a source. Who is correct?
A. Henry is correct.
B. Lois is correct.
C. Both are correct.
D. Neither is correct.
Question 17
Which statement is correct?
A. Once you write a thesis statement, don’t change it.
B. A thesis statement is the first thing you should write before drafting an essay.
C. Feel free to change a thesis statement if you feel you can improve it.
D. If you change your thesis statement, you must reorganize all your body paragraphs.
Question 18
While researching a topic, online or in print, any of the following may be an indicator of reliability except for which one?
A. The author or authors are experts in a particular field.
B. The author’s topic is similar to your selected topic.
C. The author evaluates both sides of an issue.
D. The author has sound credentials.
Question 19
The word “journal” is derived from the French word for
A. diary.
B. day.
C. daily.
D. data.
Question 20
Regarding typical development stages in writing a paper using sources, which sequence is correct?
A. Research; outlining; analysis; prewriting; working thesis
B. Research; analysis; working thesis; prewriting; outlining
C. Research; analysis; prewriting; outlining; working thesis
D. Research; prewriting; outlining; working thesis; analysis
EN130 Online Exam 6_10 SCORE 100 PERCENT
Question 1
According to the classification-and-division essay in your text, which aspect of the natural self is most closely related to time perception?
A. Playfulness
B. Curiosity
C. Spontaneity
D. Aesthetic awareness
Question 2
Which statement is incorrect?
A. An extended-definition essay makes a point.
B. An extended-definition essay focuses on one or two concepts.
C. An extended-definition essay usually defines specific terms.
D. An extended-definition essay can be written in different rhetorical modes.
Question 3
All of the following may have several different causes except for which one?
A. Poverty
B. Spontaneous combustion of paper
C. Weight loss
D. Decision to drop out of school
Question 4
If, in the context of division and classification, the topic is language, which term will fall into a class or category?
A. Arabic
B. Italian
C. English
D. Germanic
Question 5
In the essay on eating disorders, which causal factor is seen as sociological?
A. Unrealistic cultural ideals
B. Low self-esteem
C. Distorted body image
D. Inheritance
Question 6
Division specifically focuses on identifying the parts or types of
A. two or more comparable things.
B. two or more defined classes.
C. some one thing.
D. multiple undefined things.
Question 7
Which of the following is an abstract term?
A. Evolution
B. Conservatory
C. Justice
D. Rheostat
Question 8
For Sternberg, intimacy plus commitment describes _______ love.
A. passionate
B. companionate
C. fatuous
D. consummate
Question 9
The extended discussion of Sheldon’s somatotype theory was intended to help you think about
A. writing your thesis statement.
B. considering your essay’s purpose and audience.
C. writing your introduction.
D. narrowing your topic.
Question 10
Sally and Wally are discussing cause and effect. Sally maintains that if poverty is correlated to social class, we have proof that social class is a cause of poverty. Wally insists that if poverty is correlated to social class, we have proof that poverty is a cause of social class. Who is correct?
A. Sally is correct.
B. Wally is correct.
C. Both are correct.
D. Neither is correct.
Question 11
All of the following are parts of a simple standard definition except for the
A. term itself.
B. category related to any specific term.
C. distinguishing characteristics of the term within a class.
D. distinguishing characteristics of a class within a category.
Question 12
In literature, a quote that precedes the introductory paragraph of an essay is called a/an
A. motto.
B. ellipsis.
C. teaser.
D. epigraph.
Question 13
Which of the following best illustrates a spurious correlation?
A. If A causes B and B causes C, then A causes C.
B. A is correlated to B, but both are actual effects of C.
C. Both herpes I and Asian flu are caused by viruses.
D. Homicide rates and auto accident rates aren’t related, although they may be correlated.
Question 14
In the context of classification and division, you’re organizing your essay’s structure. If you choose to address the most admired body type in your first body paragraph, you would describe and give examples of
A. ectomorphs.
B. mesomorphs.
C. indomorphs.
D. endomorphs.
Question 15
The guidelines for writing a cause-and-effect essay are similar to the guidelines for writing a classification-and-division essay. The main distinction has to do with
A. organizing the structure of your essay.
B. creating the thesis statement for your essay.
C. determining the purpose of your essay.
D. determining the audience for your essay.
Question 16
According to the essay “The Natural Self,” the primary driver of creativity is
A. sensuality.
B. aesthetic awareness.
C. curiosity.
D. playfulness.
Question 17
Lawrence and Louise are discussing the nature of an extended-definition essay. Lawrence maintains that this sort of essay centers on a specific term or concept in order to write about it in detail. Louise argues that an extended-definition essay can use different kinds of patterns of development, including narration, process, or argument. Who is correct?
A. Lawrence is correct.
B. Louise is correct.
C. Both Lawrence and Louis are correct.
D. Neither Lawrence nor Louise is correct.
Question 18
A feedback loop is a process that aims to move learning forward through frequent feedback. Which of the following best illustrate a positive feedback loop?
After Jerry forgives Martha; Martha forgives Jerry. They kiss and make up.
After she gets a good grade in math, Sara’s Dad increases her allowance.
Joe makes fun of Jake; Jake insults Joe; Joe insults Jake’s mother; Joe punches Jake.
As the day grows warmer, ice cream melts faster.
Question 19
In drafting a college essay, you write, “The court found that the journalist had been denied his First Amendment rights. The Fourth Amendment guarantees freedom of the press.” What was your likely purpose in writing the second sentence?
A. To provide an interesting fact
B. To show your interest in the rights of journalists
C. To demonstrate your credentials as an expert in constitutional law
D. To clarify your reference to the Fourth Amendment
Question 20
With respect to classification and division, if the topic is the game of chess, the queen, the knight, and the pawn would be considered to be
A. categories.
B. a class.
C. class members.
D. game pieces.
EN130 Online Exam 8 SCORE 100 PERCENT
Question 1
5 / 5 points
What is the primary reason you would write “United States” in capital letters at the bottom of a business letter’s inside address?
Question options:
To specify the country of origin in a letter to a foreign country
To clarify the source of the sender’s letter when addressing domestic recipients who don’t speak English
To indicate the sender’s patriotism regardless of the location of the recipient
To indicate to a domestic or foreign recipient that the letter is official and of great importance
Question 2
5 / 5 points
Along with an address, a phone number, and an e-mail address, a résumé should include all of the following except for
Question options:
family background.
computer skills.
Question 3
5 / 5 points
In a _______ format, the date line and the signature block are centered.
Question options:
standard block
irregular block
modified block
Question 4
5 / 5 points
In a properly formatted memo, the sender should
Question options:
always use a complimentary close.
sign the memo in the ordinary manner.
not use an opening salutation.
normally use a modified block format.
Question 5
5 / 5 points
Ideally, the subject line of an e-mail
Question options:
should provide the subject of the e-mail in all caps.
should provide the name of the sender and his or her title.
includes the sender’s name in lowercase, followed by a salutation.
provides the sender’s name and the subject of the e-mail.
Question 6
5 / 5 points
Among general tips for business writing, we’re told that we shouldn’t “patronize.” Which statement best illustrates that term?
Question options:
Johnson distributes information to his employees on a need-to-know basis.
Supervisor Lowell asks employees for their input on proposed company projects.
Vice President Frasier talks to his subordinates as if they’re ignorant children.
H. C. Smith makes it a point never to talk down to his employees.
Question 7
5 / 5 points
Susan Squire of the customer service department receives a complaint letter from a customer. Ms. Squire waits a week before responding with a letter that fails to directly address the specifics of the complaint and, instead, promises that the complaint will be investigated at some point in the near future. Ms. Squire’s letter illustrates a _______ complaint response letter.
Question options:
Question 8
5 / 5 points
Every so often, Corey Schell, CEO of Schell Enterprises, sends out letters of appreciation to suppliers who have a long history with his company. Which kind of letter will he be sending to his suppliers?
Question options:
Question 9
5 / 5 points
For business letters, the most conservative and commonly used font is
Question options:
Times New Roman.
Question 10
5 / 5 points
What is the most important reason for initialing a memo?
Question options:
To indicate that you, the memo author, are who you say you are
To add a human touch to the message
To indicate that you’ve read and approved the memo
To lend credibility to the memo’s message
Question 11
5 / 5 points
An RFP is a
Question options:
promotional letter.
response to a complaint letter.
cover letter.
request for information.
Question 12
5 / 5 points
Which closing is correct and appropriate in a modern-day business letter?
Question options:
Truly yours,
Most sincerely,
Sincerely yours,
Most Sincerely:
Question 13
5 / 5 points
Regarding e-mail messages, which statement is true?
Question options:
If you don’t know a recipient, send only short attached files.
Respond to all e-mail business messages within 24 hours.
Transmit passwords and usernames only to people you know well.
Don’t send attachments to a recipient you don’t know.
Question 14
5 / 5 points
In a letter written from Wisconsin to either Alaska or Hawaii, the inside address will be
Question options:
flush-right and follow the U.S. Postal Service format.
flush-left and follow the U.S. Postal Service format.
flush-right and follow the International Postal Service format.
flush-right and follow the International Postal Service format.
Question 15
5 / 5 points
The word “memorandum” comes from the Latin memorandus, which means
Question options:
to greet.
to remember.
to record.
in regard to.
Question 16
5 / 5 points
The salutation of a business letter
Question options:
should be followed by a comma.
must not specify an unknown recipient.
should be followed by a colon.
must always avoid using the first name of a known recipient.
Question 17
5 / 5 points
Regarding business letters, which statement is true?
Question options:
Most business letters are written on blank stationery.
A business letter written on blank stationery must begin with the sender’s address, followed by the date.
When a business letter is written on letterhead stationery, the sender’s organizational position will appear in the signature block.
A business letter written on blank stationery must begin with the recipient’s address, followed by the date.
Question 18
5 / 5 points
The complaint response letter in Figure 5, from Greenleaf Lawn service, would be classified as
Question options:
active negative.
Question 19
5 / 5 points
Following the centered word “MEMORANDUM” at the top of a memo, what is the preferred order for specifying the date, sender, recipient, and subject of a memo?
Question options:
From, To, Date, Subject
Date, To, From, Subject
Subject, Date, To, From
To, From, Date, Subject
Question 20
5 / 5 points
Logically, although not formally, the opposite of a B2B business letter is a/an _______ letter.
Question options:
Assignment 03
EN130 English Composition II
Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of two (2) double-spaced pages to a maximum of three (3) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.
Using what you’ve learned in Lessons 1 and 2, as well as Lesson 3, write a well-developed descriptive essay on one of the following topics:
· Your personal experience of racism
· An event that changed your worldview
· Your first day at primary school/in junior high/on your first job
· Your first rock concert/opera/play
· An interesting person who influenced your worldview
· A visit to a theme park, such as Disneyland
· Your first date
You may use outside sources if you document them using APA format, or you may write this essay based entirely on your knowledge/experience.
Assignment 04
EN130 English Composition II
Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of two (2) double-spaced pages to a maximum of three (3) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.
Using what you’ve learned in Lessons 1 and 2, as well as Lesson 4, write a well-developed process analysis essay on one of the following topics:
4 Describe and analyze steps toward increased self-esteem.
4 Explain how to find employment after college graduation.
4 Explain how to select and care for adopted shelter pets.
4 Explain how to write a résumé or college application essay.
4 Explain how to prepare a favorite dish.
4 Explain and describe the different kinds of learning styles.
You may use outside sources if you document them using APA format, or you may write this essay based entirely on your knowledge/experience.
EN130 English Composition II
Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.
Using what you’ve learned throughout this course, but especially in Lesson 5, write a well-developed comparison-contrast essay on one of the following topics:
4 Research and compare two online games.
4 Compare/contrast two computer programs.
4 Determine the best deal between two different computers.
4 Compare/contrast two business tactics.
4 Compare shopping online with traditional shopping.
4 Compare/contrast two music groups or two teams.
You may use outside sources if you document them using APA format, or you may write this essay based entirely on your knowledge/experience.
EN130 English Composition II
Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.
Using what you’ve learned throughout this course, but especially in Lesson 7, write a well-developed argument essay on one of the following topics:
4 Do corporations have a social responsibility beyond just obeying the law?
4 Privatization of government services
4 Minimum wage
4 National Healthcare
4 Workplace electronic surveillance and privacy issues
4 Distance education or traditional education
4 Internet privacy
4 PC or Mac
4 Should there be an Internet sales tax?
You may use outside sources if you document them using APA format, or you may write this essay based entirely on your knowledge/experience.
EN130 Week 1 Threaded Discussion
Discuss the importance of studying writing. Why should we become good writers?
EN130 Week 3 Threaded Discussion
Discuss how you can write effective exemplification essays using specific language.
EN130 Week-5 Threaded Discussion
Distinguish some things to consider when writing a casual analysis.
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